'There is no more fascinating story today than how South Africans who were enemies
now work together to confound the prophets of doom who expected the rivers of blood
to flow' - Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
Embracing the transformation vision of South Africa's national government, the Strategic
Fuel Fund Association (SFF) has made enormous strides in catalysing and supporting
social transformation by means of its employment equity process. SFF's transformation
from 1997 to 2001 is a positive success story of pioneering of which both the organisation
and the government can be proud. Doors have been opened and where future prospects
were once bleak, the worlds of staff from previously disadvantaged groups have transformed
through opportunities, personal empowerment, and individual respect.
The Business of SFF
The Strategic Fuel Fund Association is part of the Central Energy Fund (CEF) group
of companies which co-ordinates all the South African government's activities in
the liquid fuels industry. Wholly owned by government, CEF is the holding company
of government's interests in liquid fuels. These include a wide range of strategic
businesses from Soekor and Mossgas operations to catalyst manufacturing by Syncat.
The main business activities of SFF are trading crude oil, leasing out spare storage
ullage and managing the state's strategic crude oil stocks and government-to-government
crude oil contracts. The organisation operates out of terminals in Saldanha, Milnerton
and Ogies with the head office situated in Sandton, Johannesburg.
The SFF of the Past
Established in the 1970's, SFF was by its very nature a highly secretive organisation.
Its mission was to procure and store strategic oil reserves for South Africa at
a time when the country was subject to an international oil embargo as a result
of its apartheid policies. This meant that oil was clandestinely sourced and, once
brought into the country, stored and rigorously guarded by government. There was
no limit to the stringent security measures in place.
The public had no knowledge of how South Africa managed to secure its essential
oil reserves, let alone the existence of SFF. This furtive shroud was extended internally
where the job functions of each member of staff were highly confidential, and known
only to themselves and their superiors. Each compartment was completely watertight.
Other than security guards, company policy was to only employ whites. Even as times
began to change in the early 1990's after the unbanning of the ANC and South Africa's
move towards democracy, opportunities for promotion remained the privilege of white
staff. The mainly coloured staff at the terminals understood, in no uncertain terms,
that future prospects remained bleak and there was no room for aspiration. Belonging
to a union was frowned upon and members were subject to subtle victimisation. The
relationship with unions was anything but constructive or co-operative.
Many staff members felt that the company showed little concern for basic human dignity
and a 'victim' syndrome developed in response to policies entrenching white privilege.
Staff members were racially polarised and openly separated by a gulf of fear and
mistrust. Dismissal for petty offences was rife.
Motivation among employees was low. Secrecy over job functions effectively excluded
teamwork that, in turn, led to managerial levels being able to foster and accelerate
personal agendas. In short, by the mid-1990's, SFF was completely in conflict with
the changing external context - with very little prospect of alignment. The organisational
climate was certainly not conducive to social transformation of any kind.
Transformation through Participation
Recognising the 'unenviable' likely future of SFF in the changing South African
context, the human resources executive launched a number of initiatives aimed at
social transformation, accompanied by a radically different approach to industrial
relations at SFF. Using a vision of an 'inclusive and transparent' management approach
as the trigger with emphasis on diversity, human dignity and sound industrial relations,
SFF began to move towards formally establishing institutionalised employee participation
structures in 1997. A series of sensitisation workshops were held and by 1998 senior
management had realised that in the interests of a successful social transformation
process, constructive industrial relations and sound human resources practices,
they needed to create participatory governance structures involving staff and unions
at all levels. This was the only avenue of reaching a 'transformed' SFF.
The Foundation for Sustainable Transformation
The first tangible outcome appeared when stakeholders jointly created the framework
for their participatory initiative at a externally facilitated breakaway workshop during August
1998. A smaller working group thrashed out details over the next few months, and
in January 1999 the Constitution of the 'SFF Main Forum' was adopted on a consensual
basis with full support from management, unions and representatives of non-unionised
In future, the Main Forum (a 'non-statutory' structure for institutionalised employee
participation) would deal with all organisation-wide policies and practices that
could affect SFF employees. Additionally, the Main Forum would also manage the disclosure
of information. This formally marked the end of autocratic and paternalistic decision-making
and tangibly represented the beginning of a new era of employee participation and
constructive industrial relations at SFF.
Transparent, Legitimate Decision-Making
Externally facilitated by Change Management Facilitation and serviced by a Steering Committee in combination with
a number of regional forums and Task Groups, the Main Forum is the most senior policy
decision-making structure at SFF. Consensus at the Main Forum has the same status
as a decision made by the Chief Executive Officer and is implemented accordingly.
Representation at the Main Forum includes the Chief Executive Officer in person,
all levels of management as well as the officials and shop stewards of all unions
at SFF. Non-unionised staff members are represented as an interest group with democratically-elected representation
of their choice.
The combination of structures at SFF provides for comprehensive employee participation
on all matters that may affect them - from day-to-day interaction at shop floor
level to joint decision-making on policies and transformational issues at corporate
A different approach to industrial relations, joint problem-solving and a greatly
improved flow of information, communication and opinion voicing as a result of the
various participatory structures, have spearheaded the social transformation drive
at SFF. In addition to the 'usual' human resources-related policies, a number of
policies and other measures specifically aimed at promoting employment equity and
impacting on social transformation have been adopted at the Main Forum since its
inception in August 1998.
A Transformed Company
Following extensive workshops with all employees, full consensus was achieved at
the Main Forum on a target of 70% representation by previously disadvantaged groups
(at all levels and in all departments) to be reached by the end of the year 2004.
Full consensus was also achieved on SFF's Employment Equity Report and SFF became
one of the very first (and very few) South African companies that submitted its
Employment Equity Report to the Department of Labour on time in June 2000.
Against the background of the very specific history of SFF, perhaps one of the most
prestigious accolades in formally benchmarking its industrial relations, employee
participation, human resources and social transformation processes by mid-2002,
is the fact that the target of 70% representation (at all levels and in all departments)
was largely achieved by the beginning of the year 2002 already.
This is resounding evidence that SFF/CEF is indeed a glowing South African example
of how transformation can be successfully achieved through effective employee participation.

The above case study is based on SFF's circumstances by mid-2002. It should be noted
that SFF underwent major changes since then. At the instruction of the Minister
of Mineral and Energy Affairs, SFF, Mossgas and Soekor were integrated into one
new entity, namely PetroSA. SFF therefore ceased to exist in its original form by
the end of 2002.
The parent company CEF however decided to continue with its employee participation
process. The forum was redesigned and now provides for CEF's new circumstances.
By early 2006 91% of staff members were from the designated groups and more than
60% of employees were female - very different demographics in comparison to the
'old' SFF.
Kobus Opperman facilitated the conceptualisation and development of the employee
participation process at SFF/CEF since inception to early 2006. This case study,
based on CEF circumstances by early 2006, was developed for purposes of lecturing,
communication and discussion, and is not intended as a critique of the circumstances
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